melissa cantell

Chief Executive Officer
Fidelity Life

Throughout her career Melissa has developed an enviable reputation for leading organisations through change by building high performing, customer-centric cultures.

She has led large scale, transformational strategies across a range of organisations and industries, from acquisitions and innovative growth strategies through to responses to regulatory change and a global pandemic. Regardless of the industry or type of change, Melissa believes the recipe for successful transformation is anchored in a focus on purpose, people, customer and community. 

Melissa joined the insurance industry for the transformation opportunity but has stayed because she became passionate about the difference insurance can make to people’s lives. She joined Fidelity Life as CEO in January 2021, having previously been Chief Operating Officer and, prior to that, Executive General Manager Transformation at IAG NZ.

Prior to entering the insurance industry Melissa held transformational leadership roles with Fonterra and Coca-Cola Amatil, as well spending the better part of a decade as an M&A and corporate finance lawyer.

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