Jonathan Skilton

Jonathan Skilton

Assurance Partner | Lead Partner Sustainability Reporting & Assurance

Jonathan is passionate about adding value to boards and executives by bringing relevant experience and insights to the table.

He lead’s PwC New Zealand’s Sustainability Reporting and Assurance team assisting clients with how to get the most value from sustainability reporting. As part of this, he provides assurance on non-financial information, including greenhouse gas emissions.

He has knowledge of the Climate Related Financial Disclosures in New Zealand and how clients can apply these new standards to their reporting.

During Jonathan’s 30 years in PwC’s Assurance team, including more than 19 years as a partner, he has led the audits of a number of publicly-listed and private companies.

He has a strong strategic and commercial perspective, having spent three years in London working within PwC’s Financial Due Diligence and Transaction Services team.

Jonathan Skilton

Assurance Partner | Lead Partner Sustainability Reporting & Assurance

Jonathan is passionate about adding value to boards and executives by bringing relevant experience and insights to the table.

He lead’s PwC New Zealand’s Sustainability Reporting and Assurance team assisting clients with how to get the most value from sustainability reporting. As part of this, he provides assurance on non-financial information, including greenhouse gas emissions.

He has knowledge of the Climate Related Financial Disclosures in New Zealand and how clients can apply these new standards to their reporting.

During Jonathan’s 30 years in PwC’s Assurance team, including more than 19 years as a partner, he has led the audits of a number of publicly-listed and private companies.

He has a strong strategic and commercial perspective, having spent three years in London working within PwC’s Financial Due Diligence and Transaction Services team.

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