2023 Full Conference Programme

2023 INFINZ Conference

Theme: Collaboration - How can those in the financial services ecosystem work together to enable and catalyse change to solve the biggest challenges in Aotearoa New Zealand?


Registration - tea and coffee


Kaikōrero by Ngati Whatua Orakei

Please be seated by 8.20am for Kaikōrero proceedings which will run until 8.45am

Welcome with Mark Edwards INFINZ Chair

MC - Miriama Kamo Presenter Sunday TV Program

Setting the Scene - economic/regulatory backdrop


International/Domestic Economic perspective

Carl Tannenbaum Chief Economist, Northern Trust (USA)
Sharon Zollner NZ Chief Economist, ANZ NZ

When will central banks ease and what will be “broken” before inflation is tamed? What are the implications of the reversal of four decades of tailwinds including; globalisation, labour force growth – especially in China, geopolitical calm and lack of a carbon charge (at least for short term profits) mean for; economic growth, inflation, real interest rates and the choices faced by governments, households and business going forward?


Regulator Fireside chat with FMA CEO

Samantha Barrass Chief Executive, Financial Markets Authority
Tim Williams Partner, Chapman Tripp

Greenwashing, the implementation of the new Conduct of Financial Institutions legislation and the Climate-related financial disclosures framework represent a significant expansion of the FMA’s remit. The FMA wishes to pursue a principles-based approach to regulation - how will this work in practice? What are the regulator’s expectations in terms of fair customer outcomes?



Setting up the conceptual and governance framework for collaboration


Framework for collaboration between Government, iwi , NGOs and the private sector

Recent extreme climatic events highlight the need for longer term planning around not only mitigation but also adaptation. But no one sector of society can solve this problem. How do we work together to address these and the other “gnarly” problems faced by New Zealand including growing income inequality.

Sir Peter Gluckman President, International Science Council & Director, Koi Tū, Centre for Informed Futures


The G of ESGIntegrating the “S” of ESG into corporate strategic planning especially to address issues such as; D&I amongst employees, modern slavery within supply chains and inequality more broadly in the community.”

Mark Verbiest Chair Meridian and Summerset Group Holdings
Matt Whineray CEO, NZ Super Fund
Jolie Hodson CEO, Spark NZ



Case studies as exemplars and motivators


The E of ESG - Decarbonising the agriculture sector - methane accounts for roughly half of NZ’s green-house gas emissions - how can these be reduced through collaboration across the farming, processor, iwi and crown research organisations and harnessing New Zealands’ number eight innovation mind-set?

Kevin Cooney Chief Financial Officer, Ravensdown
Wayne McNee Executive Director and Business Consultant, AgriZeroNZ
Charlotte Rutherford Director of Sustainability, Fonterra


The S of ESG – “Māori leadership in sustainable finance, intergenerational investment and investing for social outcomes.” What can we learn from a longer-term approach and how we collaborate for enhanced commercial and societal returns?

June McCabe Independent Director, Devon Funds
Andrew Knight Chair, Taranaki Iwi Holdings
Helmut Modlik CEO, Te Rūnanga o Toa Rangatira Incorporated
Moderator Miriama Kamo, Conference MC



Where to next/do it now!


The financial services sector as an enabler and catalyst - reflecting on previous topics (education, decarbonising agriculture, inclusion) - what makes sense to work on across the economy and wider society and how can we best harness our collective efforts to maximum effect?

Vittoria Shortt CEO, ASB
Dan Huggins CEO, BNZ
Fiona Mackenzie Managing Director, Funds Management, ANZ New Zealand
Catherine McGrath CEO, Westpac


Bias to Action - Discussing future trends with an emphasis on what we can do now rather than what we could do later. 

Gus Balbontin Investor - Adviser - Adventurer

Gus Balbontin is the “Alternative Futurist” The Futurist that instead of speculating prefers to focus the effort on improving your ability to adapt to anything.


Thanks/wrap up

MC - Miriama Kamo



Every endeavour has been made to make sure this programme is as accurate as possible it is subject to change.

Click here for registration details

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